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Core Faculty & Staff

The instruction and management of UF’s MDP draws on experienced and dynamic faculty located in seven different colleges: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the College of Public Health & Health Professions, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the College of Design, Construction & Planning, the Warrington College of Business Administration and the Levin College of Law.

Click on each name or photo for more information.

Program Administration

NameEducationSpecializationsRegions of Expertise
Glenn Galloway (opens in new tab)
Program Director, Faculty Member
Ph.D. Forest Sciences, University of Washington

M.F. Forest Genetics, University of British Columbia

B.Sc. Forest Biology, Colorado State University
International forestry and agroforestry, project planning and management, community based forest resource managementSouth and Central America
Andy Noss (opens in new tab)
Program Coordinator
Ph.D. Geography, University of Florida

M.A. Intl Econ / Soc Change & Devel, Johns Hopkins U SAIS

B.A. Intl Relations, Carleton College
Protected area and indigenous territory management, community wildlife management, sustainable wildlife use, endangered species, one world / one health, camera trap survey methods, corporate social responsibilityCentral/East Africa, South America

Core Faculty

NameDepartmentSpecialization(s)Geographic Expertise
Renata Serra (opens in new tab)
Center for African Studies

MDP Graduate Coordinator
African development, political economy, economic reforms and aid, gender issues and women's empowerment, agricultural development and cotton sectors, social capital and collective action, microfinanceFrancophone West Africa; Mali
Brian Child (opens in new tab)
GeographyProtected area management, conservation of natural resourcesSouthern Africa
Jon Dain (opens in new tab)
Tropical Conservation and Development / Center for Latin American StudiesFacilitation, conflict and collaboration management, workshop training, adult learning, social learning, tropical conservation and developmentBrazil, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru
Greg MacDonald (opens in new tab)
Agronomy, Institute of Food and Agricultural SciencesWeed science, herbicide physiology and biochemistry, invasive plant management, crop production – focus heavily on peanut, tropical cropping systemsUSA, Guyana, Haiti

Ignacio Porzecanski (opens in new tab)
School of Natural Resources and EnvironmentAdaptive management, natural resource management, biodiversity conservationUruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil
Sarah McKune (opens in new tab)
Department of Environmental and Global Health, Center for African StudiesGlobal health, nutrition, food security, gender, pastoralism, livelihoods, social and ecological resilience, climate change, health outcomes associated with climate change, maternal and child health, health in the African Sahel, HIV/AIDSSahel Region of West Africa
Susan Paulson (opens in new tab)
Center for Latin American Studies, Tropical Conservation and DevelopmentSocial/cultural anthropology, gender, political ecologyLatin America
Pilar Useche (opens in new tab)Food and Resource Economics, Center for Latin American StudiesDevelopment economics, innovation and technology adoptionLatin America
July Dayane Nelson
Center for African StudiesResearch methods, program planning and evaluation, mixed methods, public health, agriculture, occupational pesticide exposure in agriculture / forestry / fishing, mental health in agriculture / forestry / fishing, team science; translational scienceEast Africa, Uganda, USA, Haiti
Marianne Schmink - Professor Emerita
Center for Latin American StudiesTropical conservation and development, gender and developmentBrazil, Comparative Latin America