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What will the MDP program cost?

Tuition and fees at the University of Florida are some of the lowest amongst US public universities, and living costs in Gainesville are also low relative to other cities in the US. Note that, for US citizens from other states, Florida residency can be established after the first year of study. In-state tuition rates will be charged to students who receive funding from certain sources such as graduate assistantships or fellowships, even if they are not a Florida resident or US citizen. Students from any Latin American or Caribbean country are eligible for in-state tuition by applying for the Latin American Studies Center’s “Latin American and Carribean Scholarship“.

MDP does not have resources of its own–Assistantships or Fellowships–to cover tuition or stipends for MDP students. We continuously distribute information on funding opportunities and deadlines to prospective and current students. We will provide any letters of support that you as a prospective or current student may require for your funding applications.

Please click on the items on the menu on the left side of this page to learn more about the funding opportunities available to MDP students. Simply checking the “Yes” boxes on the online UF Graduate School Admissions form saying that you are applying for a Fellowship or Assistantship does NOT activate or complete your application to any of the indicated opportunities. Each of these opportunities requires an independent application process and it is your responsibility to provide the materials required, by the deadlines indicated, to the appropriate address. We strongly encourage you to apply to all for which you are eligible, and to do so in advance or at the same time as you are applying to the MDP program.

Florida Resident
Non-Florida Resident
Tuition cost per credit (including fees) $530.69 $1,255.41
MDP Program Costs – Year 1 (24 credits – tuition and fees) $12,737 $30,130
Summer Field Practicum The costs of the summer field practicum will be partially supported by the MDP program, depending on the availability of funds
MDP Program Costs – Year 2 (21 credits – tuition and fees) $11,144 $26,364
Total MDP Program Costs (tuition and fees) $23,881 $56,493
Housing (Average – 1 year) $6,590 $6,590
Books, supplies, transportation*, clothing, etc. Varies by student – click here for a detailed estimate of living costs
*University of Florida students may use RTS (Gainesville’s public transportation system) free of charge with their UF ID card